
The Bias Report in Action

Using a clean version of the COMPAS dataset, we demostrate the use of The Bias Report web app. Click below for background on the dataset, a description of the process, and analysis.

The Bias Report


Audit Date: 04 Jun 2018
Data Audited: 7214 rows
Attributes Audited: race
Audit Goal(s): False Positive Rate Parity - Ensure all protected groups have the same false positive rates as the reference group).
False Discovery Rate Parity - Ensure all protected groups have equally proportional false positives within the selected set (compared to the reference group).
False Negative Rate Parity - Ensure all protected groups have the same false negative rates (as the reference group).
Reference Groups: Custom group - The reference groups you selected for each attribute will be used to calculate relative disparities in this audit.
Fairness Threshold: 80%. If disparity for a group is within 80% and 125% of the value of the reference group on a group metric (e.g. False Positive Rate), this audit will pass.



Audit Results:

  1. Summary

  2. Details by Fairness Measures

  3. Details by Protected Attributes

  4. Bias Metrics Values

  5. Base Metrics Calculated for Each Group



Audit Results: Summary

False Positive Rate Parity - Ensure all protected groups have the same false positive rates as the reference group). Failed Details
False Discovery Rate Parity - Ensure all protected groups have equally proportional false positives within the selected set (compared to the reference group). Failed Details
False Negative Rate Parity - Ensure all protected groups have the same false negative rates (as the reference group). Failed Details



Audit Results: Details by Fairness Measures


False Positive Rate Parity: Failed

What is it? When does it matter? Which groups failed the audit:
This criteria considers an attribute to have False Positive parity if every group has the same False Positive Error Rate. For example, if race has false positive parity, it implies that all three races have the same False Positive Error Rate. If your desired outcome is to make false positive errors equally on people from all races, then you care about this criteria. This is important in cases where your intervention is punitive and has a risk of adverse outcomes for individuals. Using this criteria allows you to make sure that you are not making false positive mistakes about any single group disproportionately. For race (with reference group as Caucasian)
   Asian with 0.37X Disparity
   African-American with 1.91X Disparity
   Native American with 1.60X Disparity
   Other with 0.63X Disparity


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False Discovery Rate Parity: Failed

What is it? When does it matter? Which groups failed the audit:
This criteria considers an attribute to have False Discovery Rate parity if every group has the same False Discovery Error Rate. For example, if race has false discovery parity, it implies that all three races have the same False Discvery Error Rate. If your desired outcome is to make false positive errors equally on people from all races, then you care about this criteria. This is important in cases where your intervention is punitive and can hurt individuals and where you are selecting a very small group for interventions. For race (with reference group as Caucasian)
   Native American with 0.61X Disparity
   Asian with 0.61X Disparity


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False Negative Rate Parity: Failed

What is it? When does it matter? Which groups failed the audit:
This criteria considers an attribute to have False Negative parity if every group has the same False Negative Error Rate. For example, if race has false negative parity, it implies that all three races have the same False Negative Error Rate. If your desired outcome is to make false negative errors equally on people from all races, then you care about this criteria. This is important in cases where your intervention is assistive (providing helpful social services for example) and missing an individual could lead to adverse outcomes for them. Using this criteria allows you to make sure that you’re not missing people from certain groups disproportionately. For race (with reference group as Caucasian)
   Native American with 0.21X Disparity
   African-American with 0.59X Disparity
   Asian with 0.70X Disparity
   Other with 1.42X Disparity


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Audit Results: Details by Protected Attributes




Attribute Value False Discovery Rate Parity False Positive Rate Parity False Negative Rate Parity
African-American Passed Failed Failed
Asian Failed Failed Failed
Caucasian Ref Ref Ref
Hispanic Passed Passed Passed
Native American Failed Failed Failed
Other Passed Failed Failed

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Audit Results: Bias Metrics Values




Attribute Value False Discovery Rate Disparity False Positive Rate Disparity False Negative Rate Disparity
African-American 0.91 1.91 0.59
Asian 0.61 0.37 0.7
Caucasian 1.0 1.0 1.0
Hispanic 1.12 0.92 1.17
Native American 0.61 1.6 0.21
Other 1.12 0.63 1.42

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Audit Results: Group Metrics Values




Attribute Value Group Size Ratio False Discovery Rate False Positive Rate False Negative Rate
African-American 0.51 0.37 0.45 0.28
Asian 0 0.25 0.09 0.33
Caucasian 0.34 0.41 0.23 0.48
Hispanic 0.09 0.46 0.21 0.56
Native American 0 0.25 0.38 0.1
Other 0.05 0.46 0.15 0.68

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