
Configure the Bias Audit

Select attributes to audit and a method for determining the reference groups.
Configure the bias and fairness audit by selecting the fairness measures to audit and the fairness threshold to determine when the audit passes or fails.

1. Select method for determining reference group:

Reference groups are used to calculate relative disparities in our Bias Audit. For example, you might select Male as the reference group for Gender. Aequitas will then use Male as the baseline to calculate any biases for other groups in the attribute Gender (for Female and Other for example).

Custom group (Select your own)

Majority group (Automatically select the largest group for every attribute)

Automatically select group with the lowest bias metric for every attribute

2. Select protected attributes that need to be audited for bias.

Attribute Reference Group

3. Select Fairness Metrics to Compute:

  Equal Parity
  Proportional Parity
  False Positive Rate Parity
  False Discovery Rate Parity
  False Negative Rate Parity
  False Omission Rate Parity

4. Enter your Disparity Intolerance (in %):

If a specific bias metric for a group is within this percentage of the reference group, this audit will pass
